Friday, November 30, 2012

9 SEO Techniques You Can Use To Gain More Website Traffic

Today, Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the primary tool of website owners to gain online success. This is because a good SEO strategy provides more traffic into your website from different sources and allows you to have repetitive visitors. No matter how great your products or services are, if people can't find you online, they will surely find your competitors.So, instead of overlooking the tremendous benefits of SEO, consider using any or all the techniques listed below.

1. Know what keywords to use - The primary marketing goal of a new business website owner is to list down several possible SEO keywords that appears natural in search results.

2. Work on branding - Search engines make use of measurable metrics rather than subjective ones to gauge the quality of the site when displaying the search results. Branding is one important criterion where websites are evaluated. Furthermore, people liking your brand means more traffic and increases its possibility of appearing in the search results.

3. Create great content - Managing a company blog will allow you to broadcast product updates, industry news and other important topics. Not only does it increase the different keywords on your website; creating great web content helps develop relationships with customers. The total time spent by people visiting your site is another factor to which search engines pull their results.

4. Get into Social Networking - It may seem that getting into social networking sites like Facebook is just another chore for your new business. Keep in mind, search engines like Bing and Google knows how link shares and brand exposure on these sites can increase web traffic to your website.

5. Build connections with the big guys - Try to connect with the power users on social networking sites. These are users with a lot of followers and have authority in your industry. Offering help or web content to these guys can spell the success of your business in the long run.

6. Get Google Analytics - Google analytics is an application you can use to measure how your website is doing and allows you to make further improvements. It is very easy to use and most importantly, it's free of charge. It can help create targets you would like your website to hit. This extremely helpful application lets you determine how customers interact with your new website, providing insights that can help you further improve your business.

7. Create links to your website - Link building simply means getting other websites point users to your site, and the relevance, quality, and quantity of these links are indicators search engines use when pulling up results. The easiest way to do this is to find out where your competitors are acquiring backlinks by using apps like Open Site Explorer and Majestic SEO. You can outrank competitors in searches because these tools can provide the information you need.

8. Do Guest Posting - This link building technique lets you write blog posts as a guest writer for other sites. These sites in turn will create backlinks to your site and thus increasing web traffic.

9. Press Releases - If your company has an upcoming event worthy of a press release, fire it up with a provocative theme and have it sent to a distribution channel like PRWeb. Again press releases can help increase traffic to your website and improve your income.

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Free Web Content - The Disadvantages to Used Content

Is Free Web Content Worth It?

If you are a webmaster or freelancer writer you have probably came across sites that now offer free web content and free articles for Ezine. However, from a professional opinion you should always avoid these options. One of the biggest reasons freelance writers are able to make money is because websites and article submission sites require fresh, new content. If something is free that means more than one person will be using it and "your" content is no longer unique to your site or blog. Below we explore the pros and cons to free content and how you can still get unique content without using the free stuff!

Why Use Unique Web Content?

Unique content is extremely important if you are trying to optimize your website, which everyone should be. When you use the correct keywords and key phrases within an original block of written content then you can actually be picked up by the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. The higher up on the results you are on the search engines the easier your website or blog will be found. If you sell products or services on your site then this could actually make or break the amount of money you can make. For those of you who are running SEO targeted websites that you want to use the free web content on, you must realize how unique content can boost your traffic. If you are running any kind of PPC or AdSense Campaigns for your site web content can help you make your website pay you for the work! Simply put, the better content you have on your site the more money you could be making, whether it be from clicks or selling products/services.

Disadvantages to Free Web Content

One of the biggest disadvantages to using these free services is the fact that it messes up the reputation of your website or blog. If 10 websites are using the same content then it is harder to climb on the search engine results! Just as if 10 people stood in a group wearing the same outfits it would be hard to determine which one was unique and original. Don't subject yourself to losing traffic and business and just make the small investment to get unique content for your site.

Free Web Content That's Worth It

With all of that being said, there are a few circumstances where free web content is available that may be worth it to take advantage. For example, if a freelancer or company offers free articles if you order so many it would be wise to take advantage.

Anytime you are thinking of using web content or articles that are free, just weigh out your pros and cons first so you can ensure you are running the best site or blog.

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Bleeding Edges and Business Suicide

When Flash first became popular, everyone jumped into the bandwagon. People scrambled for Flash designers who could make their websites look cool and, well, flashy because users just love looking at websites with great visual appeal. There certainly was a great improvement in how websites appeared. Gone are the days of static pages and stationary images because now you can add moving images, sounds and life-like designs.

But then people started to get annoyed with all those Flash websites. At the top of their complaints was that most of these websites contained nothing more but fancy sounds and images. At first, Flash was such a novel idea that people didn't really care whether or not they were getting anything from the website. And then when the Flash hysteria died down and people went back to their original goals of looking for information that can help them in their daily lives, they realized Flash was quite a nuisance. Not to mention that it significantly slowed down the website's loading time and wore down people's patience.

It's exciting new trends like Flash that can easily drive you over into the bleeding edge and cause you to commit business suicide. It is one thing to never be afraid of innovating for the sake of improvement, but it's another to risk losing your business just so you can position yourself to get ahead. It's like when Windows Vista was first released by Microsoft. Everybody scrambled to get Vista on their PCs only to realize much later that the latest operating system from Microsoft was full of kinks. That is why extremely new technologies whose uses and advantages have not yet been tested fall into the "bleeding edge" category. They are so new it hurts. It cuts. It bleeds. It kills businesses.

Look at any website put together by an amateur web designer and you'll realize what I'm talking about. When it comes to getting ahead of the competition, amateurs try their hardest to succeed. It's understandable, considering just how tight the competition is in the web design market. What they don't realize is that the fact that they are trying to hard is causing their design to backfire on them.

Have you ever seen what I call a kitchen sink website? The designer simply loads in whatever he can think of into the website in the hopes that viewers will think he is a professional for knowing all these things. In the end, though he just ends up looking even more amateurish than before. Flash is one thing, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. You might also find overly fancy fonts that you have to squint your eyes to read, complicated frames that leave a lot of dead space around them and scrolling marquees at the bottom of the website. These are all no doubt complicated elements to program, but they are not much more effective at convincing your website's visitors to buy your products.

The best thing to do is still to opt for something less advanced. I'm not saying that you don't try to bring in something new. That's also committing business suicide, but just in a completely different way. Innovative businesses will always win the race, but it is important to watch what you're going into before falling all over yourself. Stay in the sweet spot, just behind the curve. That will make you way ahead of almost everybody else but you're also not the first one to fall flat on your face. Besides, in web design, the days of the simple text and lots of whitespace are making a comeback, thankfully because webmasters now realize the importance of giving more value in the form of useful, relevant and interesting information instead of aesthetically appealing designs.

You certainly don't need to have the coolest-looking website on the planet, you only have to be the best in your own niche. And how do you do that? Provide the most valuable content you can and let your SEO guys figure out what works and what doesn't.

SEO Copywriting for Popularity and a Higher Search Engine Ranking   How Do You Promote Your Website On the Internet?   Buying High Quality Links After the Penguin Update - How to Do It   Discover Search Engine Optimization Secrets   

The Benefits Of Article Submission Revealed!

Several professionals practice various methods of promotion, to gain a respectable position; however, internet promotional methods like Article Marketing offers stupendous results if carried out in a semantic way. Article marketing is a strategic approach towards brand promotion and optimization of your website on the internet.

SEO articles - why are they different?

SEO articles are written to comply with the regulations of search engines. These articles are meaningful, and their content is resourceful for users. They have all the target keywords, integrated within them in such a way that the natural tone of the reading is never disturbed. In addition to this, these articles are the most eminent means to reach thousands of readers who are looking for some information or product/service in your niche. Internet marketing and promotional methods like article submission are getting popular and being widely harnessed by many companies and businesses due to the potential of acquiring quality traffic of visitors to the website. More exposure and promotion of your website on the internet is important to create brand identity and improve online reputation. These virtual markets do pay back in reality with increased sales and profits.

Submissions - beneficial and fetch results

These SEO articles are submitted manually to various directories for organic promotion. Your links are inserted in the article in the most appropriate manner. This ensures that your website receives precious back links pointing towards your link. These organic signals are picked by search engines; they are indexed and get mentioned on the result pages. Receiving quality traffic means increased chances of business. Gradual and manual submission of articles to the best directories with good page rank has seamless benefits to offer and these include higher page rank, more visitors, and it is an efficient way for captivating market for long term and do not wither away in a short period.

Finding the right path is essential

The process of article writing and submission is gradual; the process is time consuming and appointing an SEO expert is the right solution. They can even write an article for you as some of them have a team of highly qualified writers. Their SEO experts can create user accounts for you in the best directories. In addition to this, they can submit your article in accordance with specified guidelines and regulations to all these sites. Getting accurate results is essential in the competent environment and SEO expert can help you to achieve that you seek in an ethical and efficient manner.

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Mining Social Media for Consumer Insights

A few years back, getting consumer insights is not only painstaking, it's also time consuming and not to mention expensive if you were to tap into the services of a professional market research company. Today, with the advent and proliferation of social networking sites, a social media agency can easily harvest customer insights easily and for free. It all boils down to effectively using the correct tools.

Be the Missing Piece: Answering Customer Queries

Before you can provide an answer, you must first know the question. In marketing, the best products are those that provide real solutions to consumer predicaments. And it's not always about the rational, functional side of your offerings. Most of the time, it's about how you position your brand. Social media marketing companies know that positioning is all about projecting your brand in such a way that it answers consumer questions.

Yes, in social marketing, you are looking for questions, not answers. Here are the most potent tools you can use to find these customer queries:

• Twitter. The spontaneous, dynamic and almost instant response Twitter makes it a great venue for "netizens" to post questions. In order to see the questions Twitter users are posting, you can simply add a question mark ("?") to your search. For example, you are looking for specific questions that deal with "couture fashion". You can simply type "couture fashion?" on Twitter's search bar and all the queries relating to the said topic. A social media agency can then provide answers to these questions or help a business position itself based on what customers are looking for.

• Quora. If you're looking for questions, it is but natural to look in Q&A sites and when it comes to these websites, Quora is in a league of its own. Dubbed as the best Q&A site to date, you can either search for specific questions in Quora and what the responses have been so far. Or you can also search for a particular topic and all questions related to that will be instantly unearthed. As part of your monitoring process, social media marketing companies recommend including Quora in your RSS feed simply by adding the term "rss" to the end of a URL. For example if you're in the insurance business, you can get feeds of all questions being posted on the site by going to Easy does it.

The Virtual Virtue of Sharing

In the world of social media marketing, it is better to give than to receive. As important as knowing what questions your prospective customers are asking is knowing what content they are sharing. It is the dream of every social media agency for their content to go viral and knowing what your target audience is passing around in their social accounts will definitely help you in developing your social media content.

Thanks to the boom of social networks, market research has become not only fast, but also inexpensive. With or without the help of a professional social media company, following the tips above will bring you closer to a goldmine of customer insights.

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How Google Analytics Can Boost Your AdWords Performance

Google Analytics has been around since marketers demanded for a tool that they can use to measure the success of their internet marketing. A search engine marketing company commonly uses it to improve pay per click initiatives. Recently, Google left Internet marketers a buzz when it incorporated statistics directly into AdWords.

Setting Analytics and AdWords

Setting up Analytics in AdWords is a breeze. You can ask an SEO agency to do this for you or you can do it yourself. Just follow these simple steps:

1. Log in with an account that is admin for both AdWords and Analytics. From your AdWords account, go to Analytics using the link provided. Proceed to the Admin portion. 2. Access the account on the breadcrumb to ensure that you are in the account level and not on the profile or web property. 3. Proceed to "Data Sources" and connect your AdWords and Analytics accounts. 4. Select "Customize Columns" and go to the Google Analytics tab. 5. Add the three columns namely bounce rate, pages per visit and average visit duration (seconds). Add these columns for keywords, ads, ad groups and campaigns. 6. The columns or the data may not be available immediately and you need to wait for a few days to get this rolled out in your account.

Making Sense of Analytics to Enhance Your AdWords Performance

After the columns and data appeared, it's now time for you or your partner Internet marketing agency to interpret the numbers to help you enhance your AdWords performance. As mentioned above, there are three key things to look out for: bounce rate, pages per visit and average visit duration. Let's go through them one by one.

Bounce Rate

This is a pretty simple measurement. Bounce rate is basically when your site visitors only view one page, either your home page or landing page, and don't bother exploring other pages. The higher the bounce rate, the lower the level of engagement. You want to bring down this number down. If you have two keywords leading towards the same page but having two extreme bounce rates, then you have to rethink your strategy with your search engine marketing company on the keyword that is giving a high bounce rate. This is indicative that you are not able to target the right audience using this keyword.

Pages per Visit

Take note that the number showing under this column is a mean average which means it is computed by adding up the total pages visit then dividing it by the number of internet users who visited the site. So, if the mean average is 3, you cannot say that a person visits at least three pages.

What you can do is to ask the help of an SEO agency to interpret this for you as it can be tricky and it can give you a bloated sense of success.

Visit Duration

Again, this is another tricky component because Analytics does not take into consideration the last page visited. What if you have an information heavy site and the behavior of your visitors is to read a page extensively - which could happen to be the last page - and then leave. It won't be counted and can bring down your numbers easily. Don't go blaming your search engine marketing company. This is really just how things work.

The Relation between AdWords Performance and Analytics

Looking at these numbers will have a real impact on long tail campaigns for which conversion data might not be available. For example, while the exact correlation between bounce rate and conversion is not established, it is safe to say that a high bounce rate will lead to little or no conversion. At the end of the day, this will help you in bid management and effectively allocate resources.

SEO Copywriting for Popularity and a Higher Search Engine Ranking   How Do You Promote Your Website On the Internet?   Buying High Quality Links After the Penguin Update - How to Do It   Discover Search Engine Optimization Secrets   Benefits of SEO Training Courses   Contextual Link Building and Squidoo Lens Creation to Optimize Your Website   

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